Friday, February 16, 2007

Japanese Whaler Emergency

This has to be a short one as I'm in a bit of hurry but it is very important.

The Beeb has posted a story about a stranded Japanese whaling ship that is in danger of spilling fuel in an area near the largest Adele penguin colony in the world ( Japan urged to 'use Greenpeace'). Greenpeace have a boat in the area that can tow the boat away from the colony and thus avert a possible massive environmental disaster (Greenpeace ready to tow striken whaling ship) but the Japanese are so far refusing to accept help. Now no doubt Greenpeace were there to cause trouble for the whaler but the issue is now bigger than a dispute between Greenpeace and the whaling industry.

They need to be forced to let Greenpeace intervene. With that in mind my old buddy Milli comes into the equation. Send him an email ( asking him to urge the Japanese minister for the Environment (this guy) to take action.

This is really fucking important so please do it now and ask your friends to it as well. What follows is the text of the email I've sent to Milli (on a lighter note this has got me thinking about hwo might be Vanilli - I want Ruth Kelly but I have no reason to say that), feel free to nab it or write something a bit more eloquent:

Dear Mr Milliband,

As I am sure you are by now aware the Japanese whaling ship the Nisshin Maru is stranded in the Ross Sea in Antarctica. Chris Carter the Conservation Minister for New Zealand has urged the Japanese to accept Greenpeace's offer to tow the ship clear to avoid a possible environmental disaster were the ship to start spilling fuel

I ask you to urge Masatoshi Wakabayashi, the Japanese Minister of the Environment, to accept intervention by Greenpeace to solve this problem before it causes an avoidable catastrophe.

I look forward to hearing of your timely action.

Kind Regards,

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